Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Senator Misrepresents Constitutional Truth

Dear Fellow Citizens,
This is the most alarming news story that I have read in this whole agonizing process of an ineligible man being installed in the office of President of the United States, rule by a Usurper!!
Is a Constitutional requirement to be set aside on the basis of the vote of only 25% of the eligible voters? What is the value of this Senator's oath of office to uphold the Constitution? If he is willing to disregard the plain statement in the Constitution, has he not violated his oath? If we are subject to decisions based on the majority of "those who voted" are we still a Republic or has the very form of our government, a Constitutional Republic, been abrogated without any discussion or vote to that effect? Are we now subject to mob rule rather than the rule of law? Senator Martinez states that this issue (of Obama's questionable eligibility) was made public, but I attest it was not made public, but was covered up, downplayed, derided and presented as if there were no facts or questions worth considering. There was no investigation, no demand for proof, evidence or documentation, not even a sit down interview with Katie Couric or Barbara Walters to tickle the issue. Further Senator Martinez also displays a woefully inadequate understanding of the decisions of the Supreme Court in regard to this matter. No court decision has been made based upon the MERITS of this case. Every one of the multiple decisions have been made based upon STANDING. In fact, the court has stated that only the Congress has standing and here we have a US Senator who doesn't even realize or maybe doesn't have the courage to stand up for, to represent, to protect not only the people in his state, but all of the citizens of the United States of America from an unqualified man holding the office of Commander in Chief of our armed forces, guardian of our treasury, and the leader of the Executive Branch of our country when he is part of the only class which has the STANDING to do so on behalf of all of the rest of us, the true citizens of America. I will state clearly that it is my contention that Senator Martinez, R FL and any other elected official who believes as he does, who is so ignorant of the facts, the law, the government we function under and the Constitution should immediately resign his Senate seat or face impeachment. Any American citizen with even a cursory knowledge of the Constitution and a fleeting affection for our country and the freedoms which it affords should join me in demanding that these matters be brought before the Congress for a full and open investigation so that we may know 1. What are the facts? 2. Who has colluded to obfuscate and cover up this breach of the Constitution and 3. What measures will be taken to restore the legal government under the Constitution? The Constitution may not contain a step by step process to determine who is qualified for the Presidency, although those qualifications are plainly stated and Mr. Obama does not meet them, but it does contain a step by step process to follow when it is found that a President is found to be ineligible. We need to follow that process immediately! America is under attack, if action is not taken soon we will cease to exist as the Constitutional Republic that our Constitution, our forefathers, the thousands of honorable men who have laid down their lives in battle, and God Himself, Who through Providential acts has ordained, all working together to give us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have held forth for 232 years.
Wake up America! Sound the alarm!
We must act NOW before it is too late.

To read the full story in World Net Daily please copy and paste to follow the link below.


  1. Loved your article well written and point driven straight home!

  2. You seem more concerned with a technicality that might get the opposition out of office than whether or not the person the PEOPLE elected is doing the job he has been elected to do, to the best of his ability.
    I don't get you people, you seem to think that by agreeing with one side or the other, that all the answers in life will just fall into your lap, and that is a fantasy.
    You're opinion isn't immediately valid because you can parrot what you read on a website, or heard on the radio or at church.
    Being a christian or conservative does not make you any more correct than a "godless liberal". Generalizations do not accurately reflect reality.
    I'm not responding to your article, I'm responding to YOU as one human being to another, and frankly speaking as a much younger person, I find myself disappointed that there are people like you. So far along in life, while having little to offer in terms of your own wisdom, instead relying on the talking points and dodgy opinions being espoused in biased media sources. What do you know of the world outside your small community? Do you genuinely accept those who walk a different path than you, or is it just something to say so you can have a warm fuzzy feeling?
    I don't take sides myself, liberal, conservative, it's all the same. It's not hard to see that when people have power, they don't play for sides, they simply do whats convenient for themselves.
    Here's a tidbit to consider. How come the other side could call George the 43rd simply "Bush" and our current pres. "Obama" yet your crowd specifically says "Barack HUSSEIN Obama"? It's pretty obvious that middle names are generally in scenarios requiring extreme specificity (like with George W.) or also as commonly, to demonstrate respect. I've seen you so this in your tweets, and I think you have less than pure reasons for doing so.
    Before you assume, I'm not even remotely prepared to try to defend the guy, because I am suspicious of him myself, and haven't yet seen enough to make a full decision.
    What I wonder about, however, is why you devote a full article written in a tone of outrage, about a technicality of this nature, yet seem to skip over the numerous documented cases of the last guy absolutely SHREDDING the constitution?
    Is it simply convenient in regards to the opinions you decide to believe in?
    As an objective observer, I'd have to say that's the way it looks, and in my eyes, if this guy were to abuse the constitution, it would be pretty much the same thing the last several presidents did (all the way back to Nixon, at least).
    Have fun trying to pick a team and fight the other guys for the rest of your life. The rest of us will be busy focusing on issues and making decisions, not beliefs, while seeing our fellow men and women for what they are, citizens of the great melting pot of ideas and cultures that we call the United States of America.

    Honestly, I'm just tired of listening to you people on one side or the other trying to convince the rest of us that you care more about America, than being right.
